Golden Hour Photography: Tips to Make the Most of This Magical Moment

Golden Hour fotografie: Tips om het meest te halen uit dit magische moment

Golden Hour, or the golden hour, is the moment just after sunrise and just before sunset and is a favorite moment of photographers and videographers. The light at this time has a beautiful warm, almost magical glow. Photos and videos taken during Golden Hour are often breathtaking, almost magical. Do you want to know how to get the most out of Golden Hour for your photos and videos? Then read on!

1. Golden Hour timing

Golden Hour starts, as mentioned above, just after sunrise and before sunset. The exact time of day and how long Golden Hour lasts depends on your location. The first tip is to check for your location what time Golden Hour starts and how long the beautiful soft light will last. Knowing this in advance will help you be well prepared, and as they say, well begun is half done!

But how and where do you check this? You can do this via the internet on the website or with the Golden Hour App. You can see there directly what time the magical Golden Hour starts.

Tip: set your alarm for 5-10 minutes before Golden Hour starts, so you don't forget and can be ready at the right place. Because despite the name suggesting it lasts an hour, Golden Hour is often over much faster in theory; so your time is precious!

2. Golden Hour location

Now, what is the right place to take pictures during this beautiful light? It is good to think about this in advance, because the location is very important for the perfect Golden Hour effect.

Think of places like an open field, by the water, a city with reflective windows; reflections can give your photos an extra dimension. Just be careful not to stand in a place where the sun disappears quickly, for example behind trees in a forest.

3. Best settings

During Golden Hour it is extra important that you use the right settings for your (smartphone) camera. The light changes quickly and therefore it is advisable to check your settings regularly and adjust them if necessary. Below we give you some tips for the right settings for Golden Hour photography:


In general, you should use the lowest ISO possible to minimize noise. This will allow you to bring out the colors more in post-processing.


For portrait photography during Golden Hour, a wide aperture (e.g. f/1.8 or f/2.8) is ideal for a sharp subject and a blurred background. Additionally, a low f-number (e.g. f2.8) is ideal for details like flowers and butterflies, and a higher f-number (f/8-f/11) for landscapes to keep everything sharp.

Are you a beginner? Then it is best to use a priority mode (A/Av for aperture or S/Tv for shutter speed) and control the exposure. Later you can switch to M mode for more control.

White balance

Your camera has different white balance settings. Try shade or overcast to enhance the warm tones of the golden hour! You can also adjust the white balance afterward in photo editing programs like Lightroom.

4. Supplies

All you really need to take photos during Golden Hour is a camera or phone with a camera and nice Golden Hour light. However, by using certain accessories you can take your Golden Hour photos to the next level and make them easier.

For example, consider a tripod to keep your smartphone or camera still for stable images. Particularly useful for long shutter speeds or for shooting self-portraits. Combine the tripod with a Bluetooth remote so that you don't have to touch the shutter button on your smartphone screen to take a photo. This prevents you from accidentally adjusting the position of the perfect shot.

In addition, you can also use a filter, such as a CPL filter for smartphone . With a filter you can remove the glare from the water or make reflections just a little bit more beautiful.

One last tip: take lots of pictures! This increases the chance of the perfect Golden Hour photo.

Finally, don't forget to enjoy the beautiful colors of nature.

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